Every once in a while I get bit by the chevron baby blanket bug. I bust out my bin o scraps and set to work designing a blanket that will be truly one of a kind.
To make color selection easier on me, I first select a variegated yarn. I do a few rows in the my pattern with the variegated. Then I keep pulling colors from my stash that match the variations in color.
To finish this quilt off, I crocheted a simple border around it. This is also a good way of hiding your ends.
This blanket measured 34" x 40". It will be donated to Project Gabriel.
Thank you to my friend Patti for donating some of this yarn to me. Other parts of the blanket were leftovers from previous projects and products of my thrift store / yard sale scavenging.
I hope this inspires you to do some scavenging of your own and come up with a fun one of a kind project.
The pattern for this project can be found for free HERE
It is called Catch the Wave.